On Saturday Aug 5 2006, 6:36 AM ET Reuters had published a photo featuring smoke billows from burning buildings destroyed during an overnight Israeli air raid on Beirut's suburbs.
Photo, credited to Reuters photographer Adnan Hajj has been found fake by to numerous bloggers, that explained in great deal of details what and how was altered in the photo.
On Sunday Aug 6, 6:36 AM ET Reuters has admitted to publishing false photo (HAS ISSUED A KILL OF THE PREVIOUS VERSION) and replaced it with what it said to be an original version.
The photographer Adnan Hajj unanimously labeled a liar. "Favorite Hezbollah photographer", also happen to be the one behind infamous Qana pictures.
The story:
Photographers on sportsshooter.com discussed the item first.
Jeff Harrell reflects on the story and explains what was done to the photo in plain words.
From REUTERSGATE! The Tipping Point @pajamasmedia.com
ynet.com sums the story: Reuters admits altering Beirut photo