Tuesday, August 08, 2006

False report on casualties coming from Lebanese prime minister are recalled

"The massacre in Houla, it turned out that there was one person killed," Siniora said. "They thought that the whole building smashed on the heads of about 40 people. ... Thank God they have been saved."

Siniora had earlier told Arab foreign ministers in Beirut that the attack "was a horrific massacre ... in which more than 40 martyrs were victims of deliberate bombing."

Siniora said he had based the initial tally on unspecified information that he had received. He offered no other explanation for the error.

Washington Post:

Earlier, emotions ran high at a meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in Beirut, where Siniora tearfully relayed a report -- which later proved inaccurate -- of 40 people killed in airstrikes on Houla. Hours later, Siniora corrected himself, saying only one person was killed in the bombing.